Belcor Model 150 Box Case Sealer 2 Inch Dekka Tape Heads

Belcor Model 150 Box Case Sealer 2 Inch Dekka Tape Heads

$4,800 (USD)

orCall (920) 213 1274


Used Belcor 150 Box Taper/Sealer Top and Bottom

Voltage 120V AC, Phase 1, 60Hz


Adjustable Uni Drive Belt

Width size is adjustable

Serial 150-9628

The BEL 150 is a high quality, semi-automatic, top and bottom pressure sensitive tape case sealer

designed for the entry level market. This versatile and compact machine can seal a wide range of case sizes.

The BEL 150 features a heavy duty anodized C-Beam aluminum welded frame for extreme robustness and sound structure. Along with Wexxar Bel's Uni-Drive System, the drive belts are always synchronized, eliminating any potential for case skew and ensuring a square seal even after extended use.

Belt Length: 32"

Dims: 46"L x 36"W x 71"H 

BEL 150 BoxTaper Top and Bottom Case Sealer

System rated for up to 30 boxes per minute

300 Dollar crating fee 

Please inquire for shipping rates


Serial Number150-9628